Grow a garden for inner and outer nourishment
The Tree School Mentorship is on pause for 2025, so that we may do a deep-dive into fruit tree education. Click here to learn more about this exciting new community learning adventure!
Tree School Mentorship
An 8-month gardening mentorship to create a fruitful, climate resilient,
spiritually connective garden ecosystem to feed your family and the earth.
Led by Tree School Founder, Certified Arborist, and longtime gardener Corva Rose, this program guides folks on their journey of growing a garden practice rooted in intuition, community, relational and technical skills, timeless gardening wisdom, and above all kindness and compassion for all those with whom we share this world.
The time is now to tend to your gardening journey.
See below for details.
How Do You Achieve Results?
Moving from overwhelm about the world to engagement with the world
Cultivating community, belonging, and hope
In our mentorship we will explore topics such as:
- building connection to the earth and self
- how climate change is impacting your garden
- soil trauma and degradation
- choosing plants for our future climate
- how to make your garden actually “work”
- creating a garden as a refuge for self and others
- how to garden with your intuition and senses
- designing a home garden that nourishes your inner garden and is interconnected with the world.
Our approach
Here at Tree School, we invite you to move through the garden, and the world, with curiosity. We like to ask lots of questions.
For example, before we can get to answer questions like, “What creates a fruitful, climate resilient and spiritually connective garden ecosystem?”, we ask deeper, more foundational questions like:
Why do we garden? Where do our ideas of gardening come from? What is the history of the land? How does our lineage, race, class and identity inform our approach? And, how can I/we work with the earth, and all the elements, in a way that brings the least harm possible?
We see the answers to those questions coming from the awareness and analysis of three gardens, actually: The Inner Garden, The Home Garden, and The World Garden.
I just received my ABQ Backyard Wildlife Habitat Certification from Friends of Valle de Oro. I am so proud and pleased, but I truly could not have done it without Corva’s invaluable expertise, support and encouragement. I have learned so much from my Tree School experience and it has enhanced not only my garden, but also my life.”
What’s included:
- Initial private session with Corva at your house: We spend 3 hours together, mapping out your yard and setting your course for the next 8 months. This session might also include some pruning, diagnostics, and basic design work as part of the main focus -- getting you oriented for this 8-month journey.
- Twice monthly 3-hour Saturday Sessions, for Garden Working-and-Learning: The location of these Sessions rotates between Corva’s Teaching Garden, the home gardens of fellow Tree Schoolers (you have an opportunity to get some community help on a project and additional input from Corva!), and volunteer sites (we make a difference in the world together!) During these sessions, there are many opportunities to receive instruction, ask questions, get and give encouragement, and celebrate. We spend time together with the earth – listening and tuning in.
- Serious Gardening Skills — During these Sessions, we learn solid, high-level skills in the areas of pruning, biology, plant identification and uses, soil, seeds, water, mulch, harvesting, garden design, habitat development, project management. All within the context of climate change as it relates to gardening. You will have access to plant cuttings, seeds, and random cool garden supplies and tools from Corva’s stash.
- Feedback and community support in our private Slack group: This online community hub is easy to navigate and is our virtual garden patio where we hang out, touch base between sessions, exchange ideas, and get questions answered. Graduates of the program get to stay in this group, so they remain connected and have access to Corva for questions and feedback.
- A one-hour 1:1 session with Corva at your home: This is scheduled during your 8 months, and can be used in whatever way you need.
- We Engage in Projects That Uplift — Throughout the program, we as a group will connect with and support local organizations that focus on developing peace, community food security, habitat development, and climate equity, thereby widening our focus to the World Garden. This big picture work then influences our home gardens and our inner gardens, which then ripples out into the world.
- A supportive group (your fellow Tree School-ers!) and expert gardener and major cheerleader (Corva!) to encourage you on this journey.
- And some fun extras! Occasional guest teachers; free admission to Playshops that happen during the 8 months, and an opportunity to help new students at these Playshops; and additional curriculum as Tree School develops.
Corva will be assisted by Maria McCullough (Mentorship graduate, musician, rest guide,
and open-hearted earth tender) as co-facilitator for the sessions.
Dates for the Cohort
Click here to view the dates for the 8-month Mentorship.
- Please fill out the Mentorship Application by clicking here.
- We will contact you within a day or two to schedule a conversation with us
(Corva and Maria) to make sure it’s a good, harmonic fit for all of us!
Or, if you want to speak with Corva to make sure the program is right for you,
book a no-pressure Tree School discovery call to answer all your questions.
The cozy space for this in-person cohort is limited to 8 people, and we would be delighted to welcome you to the group!
Joining a program of this depth and duration is a time and energy commitment.
We understand that, and we want you to have success, comfort, and enjoyment here.
In order to cultivate good conditions for this to happen, our enrollment process involves a Mentorship Application and a subsequent meeting with you and the teachers to make sure it’s a good, harmonic fit for all of us.
- Enrollment is paused on the Tree School Mentorship until further notice.
- Want to stay in the loop about all future Tree School developments? We’d love to stay in touch!
Sign up here for our newsletter.
- Curious about what’s happening soon in Tree School? Check out our upcoming workshops!
- Please fill out the Mentorship Application by clicking here.
- We will contact you within a day or two to schedule a conversation with us
(Corva and Maria) to make sure it’s a good, harmonic fit for all of us!
Or, if you want to speak with Corva to make sure the program is right for you,
book a no-pressure Tree School discovery call to answer all your questions.